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Top 10 Health Myths Debunked

Infographic: Top 10 Health Myths Debunked
  1. Coffee: Good or Bad for You?
    A great source of antioxidants, studies suggest it lowers the risk of cancer, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes.
  2. 8 Glasses of Water a Day?
    The amount of fluid needed varies from person to person and from day to day – there’s no magic number for optimal hydration.
  3. Fruits & Veggies: Fresh or Frozen?
    Frozen is just as nutritious as fresh – maybe more so, since fruits and veggies are frozen at the peak of freshness.
  4. Is Organic Produce Better?
    A good rule of thumb: If you eat it whole (berries, apples, lettuce, etc.), choose organic. If you’re peeling it (bananas, onions, melons, etc.), conventional is ok.
  5. Is Low Fat Always Healthier?
    While low-fat can be beneficial in some cases, you need healthy fats in your diet from high quality proteins, nuts, olive oil and avocados.
  6. Sugar vs. Artificial Sweeteners
    Research shows that artificial sweeteners increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and negatively affect the gut.
  7. Plant-Based Protein?
    Vegetarians and pescatarians have plenty of options to achieve their daily protein intake, with beans, tofu, nuts, seeds and eggs.
  8. Wild vs. Farmed Fish
    With increased pollution in our oceans, farm-raised fish may contain more healthy fats and fewer microplastics.
  9. Breakfast: The Most Important Meal of the Day?
    People who are active earlier in the day will benefit from fueling up in the morning. Children should always eat a well-balanced breakfast.
  10. 10,000 Steps a Day?
    The precise number of steps is less important than what you should really focus on: movement. Everyone needs a certain amount of moderate or vigorous activity based on their age, which can include a variety of activities.