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Bones, Joints & Muscles

Showing   of 49 results

Young man with morning joint pain

Why Do You Wake Up in Pain?

Waking up with stiff, aching joints is a common problem for people of all ages. Our expert explains why this happens and how to manage the pain.

A female massage therapist massaging a male patient’s back with both hands

Low Back Pain vs. Sciatica: What’s the Difference?

It can be easy to confuse the two conditions because they share many of the same symptoms.

A woman experiences pain in her knee when she gets out of her car

Is Joint Pain Worse in Cold Weather?

People often blame cold weather or an impending storm for their increased joint pain. Are the two connected? And if so, what’s really causing the pain?

Rear view shot of the highlighted joints in a runner's foot

Achilles Tendinopathy: What to Do About a Chronic Problem

Tendinopathy is a common injury among distance runners. But it can happen to non-athletes as well.

Older man clutching his painful shoulder muscle

Painful, Knotted Muscles? Trigger Point Injections Might Help

Tight, knotted muscles can be painful enough to stop you in your tracks. Trigger point injections are a safe, effective minimally invasive treatment option.

Woman Practices Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic Stretching: How to Properly Warm Up for Exercise

Health care experts increasingly recommend warming up for exercise with dynamic stretches. Learn what dynamic stretches are and how to get started doing them.

Youth baseball pitcher throws ball

Preventing Overhead Throwing Injuries in Youth Athletes

Young athletes are at a higher risk of shoulder and elbow injuries from repeated overhead throwing motions. Learn how to help prevent these overuse injuries.

Person massaging their calf muscle

Painful Leg Cramps Can Stop You in Your Tracks

The pain of a sudden cramp in your leg can literally bring you to your knees. Learn more about what causes them, what you can do to ease the pain and how to help prevent them from occurring.

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