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Lungs & Breathing

Showing  8 of 72 results

carbon monoxide detector

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Keep Your Family Safe

Carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas produced by many common household appliances, can reach deadly levels in poorly ventilated spaces. Learn how to protect your family from it.

Paul Mynatt poses with his UH providers

End-Stage Emphysema Tackled with Double Lung Transplant

Paul Mynatt spent most of his life incredibly healthy, but fter he noticed symptoms of extreme exhaustion and shortness of breath, he was diagnosed with end-stage emphysema. By 2024, he was headed into surgery for a double-lung transplant.

A doctor is examining a male patient's throat

When Is Losing Your Voice Cause for Concern?

Typically, a little rest and hydration will bring your voice back. But if hoarseness lasts for several weeks, it’s time to seek medical attention.

Teen girl coughing in bed

Is Whooping Cough Becoming More Common?

Whooping cough is a respiratory illness caused by the bacteria Bordatella pertussis. Potentially life-threatening, it is largely preventable with vaccination. Yet cases are on the rise.

Abnormal chest x-ray

How Common Are Lung Nodules?

More common than you might think, a lung nodule or “spot on the lung” is an area of dense tissue that shows up on a chest x-ray or CT scan.

Digital illustration of lungs

Another Kind of High Blood Pressure: Pulmonary Hypertension

Most often caused by other diseases, pulmonary hypertension may be reversible, depending on the cause.

Double lung transplant patient Timothy Gruhn

A Double Lung Transplant to a 5K Race Within 5 Months

Timothy Gruhn’s recovery from double lung transplant wasn’t easy or without setbacks, but with persistence, he completed a 5k race just four months after his surgery.

Sam Elkurd standing outside

Custom 3-D Airway Stent Restores Patient’s Quality of Life

When traditional airway stents won’t work, experts at University Hospitals can create custom, anatomy-specific stents for better patient outcomes.

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