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Lungs & Breathing

Showing   of 72 results

Sam Elkurd standing outside

Custom 3-D Airway Stent Restores Patient’s Quality of Life

When traditional airway stents won’t work, experts at University Hospitals can create custom, anatomy-specific stents for better patient outcomes.

Infographic: 5 Tips to Help Improve Spring Allergies

5 Tips to Help Improve Spring Allergies

Millions of people are affected every year by seasonal allergies brought on by pollen in spring. Learn what you can do to guard against exposure to this dust-like substance that causes allergy symptoms.

A person puts a round container in their back jeans pocket.

Nicotine Pouches: What to Know About the Latest Trend

Often marketed to appeal to young adults and downplay side effects like lung cancer, other concerns about the pouches remain.

Doctor looks at lung X-ray

Popcorn Lung: A Dangerous Risk of Vaping

Although many believe that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, research shows it is a significant risk factor for lung diseases, including popcorn lung.

A female doctor checking the lungs of a male patient with a stethoscope

Hazardous Substances Raise Risk of Interstitial Lung Diseases

The large group of diseases can cause progressive scarring of lung tissue and rob a person’s ability to get enough oxygen.

Man sitting down practicing deep breathing

Breathe Your Way to Better Health & Less Stress

Research shows that certain breathing exercises can provide multiple health benefits. And best of all, they’re easy to learn and do at home.

Ron Russ poses outside

The Hero He Never Met

A 47-year-old man with pulmonary fibrosis is grateful to the hero he never met following a successful double-lung transplant at University Hospitals.

Wendy DiDomenico outside on a chilly day

Heart Test Finds Lung Mass

A Medina Country resident is doing well after the surgical removal of a lung tumor that was discovered during a coronary calcium score.

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