Family Medicine
Showing of 222 results
How to Harness Your Immune System for Optimal Health
Learn how to tap into your immune system to ward off illness and how exercise, gut health and natural remedies impact immunity.
What to Do If Your Child Has a Seizure
Seeing your child have a seizure can be scary. It helps to know the signs and how to keep your child safe if it happens.
8 Tips to Reduce Jet Lag
While you may not be able to entirely prevent jet lag, you can reduce its effects and make the most of your travels.
Hyponatremia: Why Low Sodium Levels Are Dangerous
It’s common knowledge that too much salt can be harmful to your health. But if blood sodium levels drop too low, it can also be dangerous, even life-threatening.
Contagious Parvovirus B19 Is Spreading: What to Know
Human parvovirus, commonly called fifth disease or “slapped cheek” disease, usually doesn’t cause serious illness.
New Blood Test for Colorectal Cancer: What to Know
A new blood test should make screening easier for people who are reluctant to have a colonoscopy or use at-home tests.
Parasite Cleanses: Hype or Helpful?
Commercial parasite cleanses are the latest self-help treatment being promoted on social media. Our expert explains why they should be avoided.
Poison Ivy versus Other Skin-Irritating Plants
Poison ivy, sumac and oak all contain a chemical that causes an itchy rash. Here's how to identify the plants and find relief.