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Showing  8 of 39 results

A senior woman sneezes into a tissue

Why Aren’t More Older Adults Getting the RSV Vaccine?

RSV tends to be just as serious an illness as flu for older adults, yet not many people are aware of it.

Infographic: 6 Ways to Make Your Child’s Shots Less Stressful

6 Ways to Make Your Child’s Shots Less Stressful

Many children fear getting shots. Help them feel more in control by making a plan and including them in the process.

A doctor applying a sticking plaster to her patient's arm

How the Pneumonia Vaccine Protects You for Life

One shot usually protects you for life; however, you may need a booster based on changes to your health.

Image of a variety of micro organisms

Is Your Infection Bacterial or Viral?

Bacterial and viral infections can cause similar symptoms, but treatment is very different depending on which type of infection you have.

Infographic: Flu Vaccine Myths

Flu Vaccine Myths

When it's flu season, it's important to do everything you can to stay healthy. Learn why the flu vaccine is the best way to reduce your chances of getting sick and spreading it to others.

Doctor making a heart shape with hands

Get the Flu Vaccine. Your Heart Will Thank You

Getting your annual flu vaccine protects you from developing serious respiratory symptoms. But did you know it can also protect your heart? Learn more.

A doctor vaccinating a young girl, who is being held by her mother

Parents Shouldn’t Hesitate to Vaccinate Kids Younger Than 5

The volume of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines on the internet and elsewhere is fueling doubts and scaring parents.

sterile gloved hand pressing down bandage on arm

COVID-19 Vaccine and Flu Shot Spacing: Is It Needed?

Vaccination is the best protection against COVID-19 and the flu. Should you worry about timing your shots? Here's what you need to know.

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