Showing 8 of 29 results
Stressed-Out Parents: A Growing Public Health Concern
Today’s parents are under a lot of stress and their mental well-being is suffering. The crisis is prompting health experts to look at possible solutions.
Doomscrolling: Breaking the Habit
Endlessly scrolling through negative content on your cell phone – or doomscrolling – is an unhealthy but common habit, especially among younger adults.
Breathe Your Way to Better Health & Less Stress
Research shows that certain breathing exercises can provide multiple health benefits. And best of all, they’re easy to learn and do at home.
How Parents Can Help Kids Manage Social Media
A new advisory from the Surgeon General warns that social media can pose a “profound risk of harm” to children and teens' mental health. Parents need more strategies than ever to help their children thrive.
Can (Holiday) Stress Cause a Heart Attack?
It should be no surprise that, left unchecked, the stress and anxiety of the holidays can be detrimental to both physical and mental health.
How Stress Makes Asthma Worse
Learn about stress-induced asthma and how you can break the cycle of common triggers and flare-ups.
Overcoming Anxiety and Taking Back Control
When does anxiety become a disorder? When you start avoiding things, that could be a sign you are losing control. The good news is you can learn to confront your worries.
Some Simple Tools To Knock Back Stress
Yes, we are into the New Year, but let’s trade the word "resolutions" for another word starting with an “R” – a much more upbeat and soothing word.