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Sleep problems

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Infographic: Sleep Myths

Common Sleep Myths

What's the best temperature for sleep? Should you sleep with your pet? Here’s what the experts have to say about these and other common sleep myths.

A tired teenager at home studying with a personal laptop computer

Narcolepsy: A Hidden Cause of Extreme Daytime Sleepiness

If daytime sleepiness is excessive and interferes with daily life, this misunderstood sleep disorder may be the cause.

An older man is lying in bed suffering from insomnia

How to Sleep Better for Your Health – The Effects of Poor Sleep

What are the causes and risks of interrupted sleep? And more importantly, how can you reclaim your restful nights?

A husband sleeps in bed while his wife suffers from insomnia

How Women’s Sleep Changes Across the Lifespan

Hormonal changes as a result of menstruation, pregnancy and menopause can wreak havoc on a woman’s sleep and often go unrecognized.

child sleeping in bed

Helping Your Child Get a Better Night’s Sleep

When a child has difficulty falling and staying asleep it can affect their quality of life. Learn about strategies to help improve sleep and minimize tossing and turning.

A man suffering from insomnia lying in bed

Anxiety Keeping You Awake? Here’s How to Fix It

If stress or anxiety keeps you up at night, you’re not alone. These feelings are a common cause of the sleep disturbance known as insomnia.

A young woman with closed eyes and taped lips

Is Mouth Taping a Safe Choice for Better Sleep?

Mouth breathing is associated with worsened asthma, allergies and dry mouth. But is mouth taping safe? And does it work?

A young woman resting lying in bed

Breathe Easy for the Best Sleep

Breathing is a major factor in getting a good night’s sleep. Learn why breathing through the nose, not the mouth, is best for healthy sleep.

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