Primary Care
Showing of 56 results
Parasite Cleanses: Hype or Helpful?
Commercial parasite cleanses are the latest self-help treatment being promoted on social media. Our expert explains why they should be avoided.
5 Tips to Help Improve Spring Allergies
Millions of people are affected every year by seasonal allergies brought on by pollen in spring. Learn what you can do to guard against exposure to this dust-like substance that causes allergy symptoms.
Senior Treasures 30 Years with Her Primary Care Physician
Helen Bishop, 90, has spent a third of her life with the same primary care provider, building a relationship of respect and trust between doctor and patient.
Why Aren’t More Older Adults Getting the RSV Vaccine?
RSV tends to be just as serious an illness as flu for older adults, yet not many people are aware of it.
What Do Common Blood Tests Reveal About Your Health?
An annual physical exam typically includes bloodwork. Learn more about routine blood tests, what they measure and why they are important.
Don't Fudge the Facts When You Visit Your Doctor
Honesty is the best policy, particularly when having a conversation with your doctor. Being truthful about your lifestyle is essential for your health and safety.
Fingers Turn Blue or White When Cold? It Could be Raynaud’s
Do your fingers and toes change color or become painful when exposed to the cold? You could have a common vascular condition known as Raynaud’s syndrome.
5 Conditions Regular Check-Ups in Your 20s & 30s Can Prevent
Routine primary care in your 20s, 30s and beyond is the best way to catch problems early, and potentially prevent diseases from developing in the first place.