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Showing  8 of 9 results

Illustration of salt shaker

Hyponatremia: Why Low Sodium Levels Are Dangerous

It’s common knowledge that too much salt can be harmful to your health. But if blood sodium levels drop too low, it can also be dangerous, even life-threatening.

Different sport drinks in bottles

Do You Need Electrolyte Supplements to Stay Hydrated?

Electrolyte powders and tablets for water have become a go-to rehydration source for athletes and non-athletes alike. But do you need to take them every day?

Close up of a woman's hand filling a glass of filtered water right from the tap in the kitchen sink at home

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

We often hear about the importance of drinking plenty of water. But did you know that drinking too much water can be bad for your health?

A collage of food and beverages that are the subject of nutrition myths

How Much Water Do You Really Need? 14 Health Myths Debunked

There’s no shortage of conflicting information about nutrition and health. Do you need 10,000 steps, 8 glasses of water and a hearty breakfast every day? Learn what the science says about popular health advice.

Infographic: What Your Urine Color May Mean

What Does the Color of Your Urine Mean?

The color of your urine can an important health indicator. Use this color chart to assess how hydrated you are.

Infographic: How to Hydrate Before, During and After Exercise

How to Hydrate Before, During and After Exercise

Water is great for hydration, but for longer events, other types of fluid are important for replenishing the body.

Mature male hand pouring a glass of water from tap in the kitchen sink

9 Facts About Dehydration That May Surprise You

Do you wake up thirsty? If so, the reason may not be that you’re dehydrated from drinking too little water throughout the day.

Young man pouring fresh water

Is Bottled Water Healthier Than Tap Water?

Choosing between tap, filtered or bottled water can be confusing. We take a closer look at all of the options available to you.

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