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Coping During COVID-19

Showing  8 of 25 results

postpartum depression

New Pill Approved to Treat Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression affects up to 15 percent of pregnant women but is often under-recognized and under-diagnosed. Learn more about its signs and treatments.

The recovery process for Eliana Rosario has included physical therapy

Eliana’s Story: A Cautionary Tale about Long COVID in Kids

14-year-old Eliana Rosario is riding roller coasters this summer. After a bout of troubling symptoms, Eliana was successfully treated at the UH Rainbow COVID Recovery Clinic.

multigenerational family gathered around candlelit table laughing

Holiday Travel is Possible This Year With the Right Precautions

If you do travel, understanding changing protocols for the locations and venues you plan to visit is most important.

woman leaning back on couch with both hands on forehead

Recovery from COVID Long Haul Syndrome May Require Specialty Care

We are learning more all the time about long-term effects of COVID-19. A new study of long haul COVID-19 found more than one in three patients had at least one symptom three to six months afterward.

family of four gathered around square thanksgiving table

What To Consider in Planning for a Second Thanksgiving Under COVID-19

The second Thanksgiving of the coronavirus era is around the corner, but this year is much different than last. Vaccines have made it much safer, but people still must navigate risks.

woman leaning her head against clasped hands

Recovering From COVID-19 Stress and Loss

For many people of all ages, the past year has been traumatic. What has been the emotional and mental toll on all of us and how do we begin to heal?

woman eating a hamburger

Why Obesity Is a Double Whammy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

After the pandemic began, studies of COVID-19 patients showed obesity may triple the risk of hospitalization with the disease. The chances of being admitted to intensive care or dying also increase substantially for these patients.

Overweight woman lies on couch with remote

How Pandemic-Related Sleep Loss Can Result in Weight Gain

Are you sleeping well during the COVID-19 pandemic? Chances are, the answer is 'no.' With so many adults working from home and kids doing online learning, ordinary routines have become disrupted, leading to poorer sleep.

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