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Brothers Clifford and Ricky Stackpole

Faster Response Leads to Faster Recovery After Heart Attack

Two brothers learn the importance of seeking help right away if you suspect a heart attack after they both experience one on the same weekend.

Helen Bishop smiles during a checkup with Edward Jastrzemski, MD

Senior Treasures 30 Years with Her Primary Care Physician

Helen Bishop, 90, has spent a third of her life with the same primary care provider, building a relationship of respect and trust between doctor and patient.

Korey Loughry smiles outdoors

“Arrested” Four Times

A fifty-one-year-old patient writes a book to thank the interventional cardiologist and team who saved his life at UH Portage Medical Center.

A woman speaking with her provider at her first prenatal appointment at UH

Why Your First Prenatal Visit Is So Important

Whether you’re having your first baby or your fifth, each pregnancy is unique. Here’s what to expect.

Amy and her three boys

Torn ACL Threatens to Take Busy Mom Out of the Game

When Amy – runner, soccer coach and mom to three boys – experienced a complete tear of her left ACL, the orthopedic experts at UH worked around her busy schedule to get her up and running again.

William Moulton and Anjan Gupta, MD

How One Doctor Saved a Patient's Life – Twice

William Moulton of Ravenna received his first cardiac intervention at UH Portage, then returned five years later needing a thrombectomy.

Tom and Janet Hintz

New Migraine Med Is Like a “Miracle” for 58-Year-Old Ravenna Woman

For Janet Hintz, 58, migraines had become a way of life, since her first one at the age of 14. In October 2020, one of Janet's headaches led to a major scare.

Walter Carson paints in his dining room.

The Gift of Time

Walter Carson felt drawn back to the hospital where he was born. Because of the kind care Walter received at UH Portage, he now makes the 40-minute drive from home for appointments.


Study Aims To Solve Special Problem for COVID-19 Patients With Diabetes

As many as 20 percent of COVID-19 patients being treated in the ICU may have diabetes, according to recent studies, making management of their glucose levels a vital concern.

Contessa on horseback

How a Panic Attack Saved One Woman’s Life

Contessa assumed she was having a panic attack when she felt her heart racing, but her upper extremity blood pressure came back in the upper 180s. Her condition was so severe that she was treated almost immediately in the cath lab at UH Rainbow.

James Bates’ EKG readings before and after treatment at University Hospitals Portage Medical Center in Ravenna, Ohio

Decisive Action Opens Man’s Coronary Artery in Under 6 Minutes

Paramedics and emergency personnel collaborated to quickly diagnose James Bates with a blocked coronary artery so that he could receive the life-saving treatment he needed.

group of exercise women

Ladies: Get Started on the Path to Your Best Possible Health

Single, married, a mother or not: if you’re a female, you have unique health and wellness needs. Learn which tests and screenings can help you maintain your health.

woman clutching back

How You Can Get Help For Your Hernia

“I’m going to give myself a hernia!” You may have said something like that as you lifted a heavy object. Although said in jest, it’s true that incorrectly lifting a heavy object can cause a hernia.

Coffee and french croissants for breakfast

How Coffee Can Help Keep Your Brain Healthy

A study shows that 64 percent of Americans drink coffee daily. Does all that caffeine harm your brain?

Older man getting ear examination

How Hearing Loss is Linked to Dementia

You might think that a hearing loss is a fairly minor part of aging, but recent research has show that the ability to hear plays a significant role in maintaining brain health.

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