Two Hip Surgeries and Megan Is Still Running
May 01, 2024

Competitive runner Megan was just starting her sophomore year of high school when she got some difficult news. Due to multiple hip conditions, she would need two surgeries – a hip arthroscopy and a periacetabular osteotomy (PAO).
“I was devastated,” says Megan. “I am extremely passionate about running and the thought of missing multiple seasons and letting my fitness slip away was horrifying.”
Megan and her family turned to the experts at UH Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute for help.
“Drs. Michael Salata and Robert Wetzel, orthopedic surgeons at UH, knew exactly what I was feeling and helped me to shift from being obsessed with the time I was losing to focusing on recovering my mind and body,” says Megan.
In February of her sophomore year, Megan had her first surgery. “Things were hard, but I had an amazing team of doctors and physical therapists that helped me to return to the sport I love. I was able to compete in cross country that following year and even made it to state.”
“Two weeks later after the state meet, I had my second surgery. Instead of going into it terrified and uncertain, I was able to face it with confidence. I recovered even faster than before and quickly got back to running. My senior season ended in individual qualification for the state meet and a faster 5k time than ever before.”
“I owe so much to Dr. Salata and Dr. Wetzel for fixing me up not once, but twice,” says Megan. “It is thanks to them that I am able to continue doing what I love without the pain that ailed me for so long. My time with the UH doctors and physical therapists taught me to prioritize my health and recovery and to have patience in the process.”
Megan is now a committed division two runner for Lees-McRae College. “It’s as if I never had problems to begin with,” she adds.