Tips for Teens To Stay Energized During COVID-19
April 08, 2020

What can you do as a teen to make the most of your time and feel good about how you made it through? Think about these ideas:
Get Creative
With more time on your hands, what have you always wanted to learn to do?
Train your dog or other pet. Go online for tips and tricks. Dog barking making the family crazy? Cats getting onteh table and kitchen counters? Cats getting on the table and kitchen counters? Rabbit not litter box trained? You can come to the rescue!
Learn a new art skill. Consider trying a free app, such as making pixel art. Tell other friends or family members about this and try making a similar picture and compare or post your creations on social media.
Learn how to create different hair styles or manicure/pedicure designs. Practice your new skills on those within your household.
Get Closer with Family Members or Friends
Now's the perfect time to build those relationships.
Learn how to cook or bake -- and make food for your family. consider calling a grandparent or other older relative whose creations you've always loved. Ask if s/he will talk you through making some of their recipes.
Binge watch a series with someone else. Find one or more family members and agree on a show that you can all enjoy together.
Figure out some games to keep your younger siblings or relatives entertained -- in person or virtually. Play hide and seek -- or hide a toy/stuffed animal in a room and take turns finding it. You can even work on improving younger kids' bravery in the dark by doing this in a basement with a flashlight. You can go with them until they are brave enough to go alone.
Get out the arts and crafts. Make stuff together.
Support Others Sheltering Around You
Think about friends and others around you. What can you do to help them?
Be available to talk or joke with friends and family members virtually. Stay in touch through FaceTime, Snapchat, Skype, video chat, etc.
Share: music, recipes, pictures of pets, workout videos.
Offer to help younger relatives or friends. You could help with school work that might be challenging; maybe their parents are working or busy doing something else.
As the weather gets warmer, consider helping out a neighbor with yard work. Remember to keep a safe physical distance from others, even outside.
Give Yourself a Break
You are doing your best to get through this. Remember that everyone is doing what they can.
Pay attention to even small achievements. Notice when you're being kind to someone, talking to someone who may be feeling worried or lonely, helping clean up something, pitching in to help out others.
Look Toward the Future
This situation -- the COVID-19 pandemic -- will be over eventually, so what are you really looking forward to doing?
- Is there a special place you're looking forward to hanging out with your friends?
- You might be looking forward to seeing a movie in the theater or going shopping.
- Is there a local coffee shop or restaurant that you love?
- Would it be fun to get your hair or nails done at a salon?
- What about going to outdoor festivals, carnivals or amusement parks?
- Would you enjoy going swimming at a local pool or taking a trip to a nearby beach?
- Maybe you will be happy to see your school friends in person.
- You might also look forward to playing sports on a team again or a pickup game at the local re center.
No matter what your preferences are, you can remind yourself that you will be able to enjoy even more activities in the future, and you will appreciate them more than ever.
Compiled by the pediatric experts in UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital's Division of Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics & Psychology.
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