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New High-Density Grid Mapping Catheter Locates Origin of Fast Heart Rate

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children'sExperts in Children's Health
Abraham smiling on the court while holding a basketball

“A heartbeat is something I no longer take for granted. My previously healthy five-year-old son developed a serious form of tachycardia. I recall watching Abraham’s heart rate soar past 200 beats per minute. A normal heart rate for a child is around 100.

“Abraham met Dr. Chris Snyder and Dr. Walter Hoyt through a new partnership between UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s and MetroHealth. At our first check-up, Dr. Snyder discovered Abraham was still in tachycardia! We went straight from the appointment to UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital where Abraham was given medication to control his fast heart rate.

“It was during this first hospital stay we met Craig, an amazing nurse in the cardiac step-down unit. He provided excellent care, played the guitar for Abraham, and kept our spirits high.

“Last fall, Drs. Snyder, Hoyt and their entire team with the Congenital Heart Collaborative at UH Rainbow performed a procedure on Abraham’s heart using a new high-density grid mapping catheter. The ‘Grid’ as they call it, helped to locate exactly where the fast heart rate originated.

“The procedure was a complete success! Abraham’s tachycardia was located and cured through tiny pokes in his leg. We celebrated with all the familiar smiling faces of the UH Rainbow heart team.

“I am pleased to report Abraham is playing basketball and doing GREAT, thanks to UH Rainbow and God above.” – Jessica Torres, Abraham’s mom

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital have partnered to form the Congenital Heart Collaborative, an innovative model of care for patients with congenital heart disease from before birth to adulthood. Learn more about the Congenital Heart Collaborative.
