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The Congenital Heart Collaborative Children's Heart Clinic

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital have partnered to form the Congenital Heart Collaborative, an innovative model of care for patients with congenital heart disease from before birth to adulthood.

This unique collaboration provides access to one of the most comprehensive and experienced heart teams – highly skilled in the delivery of quality clinical services, new therapies and seamless care for patients and families in Ohio. In addition, because UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and UH Cleveland Medical Center are located under one roof, maternal fetal medicine specialists and adult cardiology experts from the HHVI can collaborate with the wider pediatric teams to offer a full spectrum of care for optimal outcomes.

Unified Program Offers Expertise across Ohio

The Collaborative is built around the concept of “one program, two campuses.” From education and research to expansion of services including state-of-the-art hybrid interventional cardiology and suites, our clinical experts work together as one team to achieve significant strides and improve outcomes for congenital heart disease patients.

The Collaborative’s physician team combines the expertise of pediatric cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and other heart experts from both UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Heart Centers. The team also includes neonatal intensivists from UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s NICU—ranked seventh in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. In addition, our team includes maternal fetal medicine specialists and adult cardiologists and surgeons from the Harrington Heart and Vascular Institute at UH Cleveland Medical Center.

As the #1 children’s hospital in northeast Ohio with leadership in every pediatric subspecialty, our team has the expertise and experience for even the most complex care. In addition to the two main campuses, the Collaborative currently has additional pediatric cardiology locations in Northern Ohio, including Cleveland, Parma, Concord Township, Medina, Mayfield Heights, Mentor, Solon, Westlake and Youngstown.

The Latest Advancements in Technology to Improve Care

Adult Congenital Heart Association Comprehensive Care Center
Rainbow has earned accreditation from the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA) for expertise in serving adults with congenital heart disease.

For the care of adults with congenital heart disease, the Collaborative combines UH HHVI adult heart and heart surgery expertise, technology and programs. This unique, highly collaborative multidisciplinary approach to adult congenital heart care provides access to the latest clinical trials, advanced technology and procedures not currently available at other area hospitals.

The team has joint clinical conferences weekly to discuss all congenital heart patients undergoing surgical or interventional therapy. These cases are discussed in detail, bringing together the combined resources, expertise and brain power of two of the largest Children’s Hospitals in the U.S.

The Collaborative also has the combined strength of a number of quality improvement projects and the use of quality metrics. Having greater numbers across both campuses arms the Collaborative team with the best information to determine optimal therapies and improve outcomes.