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The Center of Pediatric Education

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Search UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Education Programs.

Training Programs that Promote Excellence in Medical and Clinical Care

The Center for Pediatric Education provides the administrative support for all fellows, residents, medical students, and faculty education at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital. We are all dedicated to maintaining the tradition of educational excellence that makes UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital a wonderful place to continue your career. Read more about our center or watch our UH Rainbow Video Tour.

UH Rainbow Video Tour

UH Rainbow

David Satcher Clerkship

We have a special option for 4th-year students who are underrepresented in medicine and are interested in a clinical elective at UH Cleveland Medical Center. Please access this information at David Satcher Clerkship or the Community Impact, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (CEDI) office.

Pediatric Residency Program

UH Rainbow has a proud and long-standing tradition of providing pediatric residency training that has produced pediatric leaders at the local, national, and international levels.


Internal Med-Peds Residency Program

The med/peds program combines the Internal Medicine Residency program and the Pediatric Residency Program.

Pediatric Neurology Residency

The Child Neurology Residency combines our accredited Pediatric Residency program followed by three years as child neurology residents.

Pediatric Fellowship Programs

Our Pediatric fellowship training programs are open to candidates who have completed accredited residency training in general pediatrics or another qualifying subspecialty.

Pediatric Optometry Residency

A one-year residency program in pediatric optometry with an emphasis on ocular disease management and primary care.

Pediatric Pharmacy Residencies

PGY1/PGY2 Pharmacy Residency programs built upon PharmD education.

Life in Cleveland Has So Much to Offer

Whether you are interested in exploring the rich cultural history of its neighborhoods or eating at one of its many award-winning eateries, Cleveland has something for everyone.