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Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program

Congenital Heart Disease in Adults

Adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) is a rapidly growing subspecialty that deals with adults who were born with congenital heart disease (CHD). Congenital heart conditions are the most common birth defects, affecting nearly 1 percent of all babies born. With dramatic success in pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, we now estimate that more than 90-percent of these babies survive into adulthood. Because of their improved survival, we now have more adults with congenital heart disease than children. In the U.S., it is estimated that we have over 1 million patients with some form of CHD, and in the next few years this number will increase.

Make an Appointment

Call the ACHD Program Coordinator to Schedule an Appointment: 216-844-5437.

For questions, please call the Nurse Line: 216-286-2243.

Why Specialized Congenital Heart Disease Treatment is Needed

Adult Congenital Heart Association Comprehensive Care Center
Rainbow has earned accreditation from the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA) for expertise in serving adults with congenital heart disease.

Most patients with congenital heart disease undergo repair during infancy or childhood; but it's important to remember that these patients are not cured but only repaired, and often require further treatments for their heart defect as adults. They are at increased risk of developing irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias), narrowing or leaky valves, pulmonary hypertension, heart failure, and premature death. Many of them also have medical and psychological issues that require care from dedicated specialists outside cardiology. Because of this, CHD patients require lifelong follow up care with a specialized team of physicians and nurses who understand their unique complexities.

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s and Nationwide Children’s hospitals formed an innovative affiliation – The Congenital Heart Collaborative – for the care of patients with congenital heart disease from fetal life to adulthood. This unique collaboration provides adult congenital heart disease patients access to one of the most extensive and experienced heart teams – highly skilled in the delivery of quality clinical services, novel therapies and a seamless continuum of care.

Make an Appointment

Call the ACHD Program Coordinator to Schedule an Appointment:

For questions, please call the Nurse Line: