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Transitional Care for Congenital Heart Conditions in Teenagers and Young Adults at University Hospitals

The Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program offers targeted services for adolescents and young adults who have congenital heart disease. Our board-certified doctors realize that younger congenital heart disease patients have unique needs as they are more active in school activities, sports and other extracurricular events. Our highly trained physicians and staff work with adolescents to help them understand their condition, symptoms and treatment. Once relying on parents to direct their medical care, it now becomes vital for the young person to have a strong relationship with a board-certified adult congenital heart disease physician in adulthood for continued heart care and enhanced quality of life.

Education Regarding Lifestyle Choices

The Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program shifts teens and young adults from pediatric to adult care. We offer adolescents education about the importance of engaging in a lifetime of specialized cardiac care, as well as making critical lifestyle choices to avoid future health crises. Our elite team gives the latest recommendations and practical advice and answers questions about:

  • Alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs
  • Birth control and family planning
  • Diet and exercise
  • Insurance
  • School and academics
  • Travel
  • Work

Make an Appointment

Call the ACHD Program Coordinator to Schedule an Appointment:

For questions, please call the Nurse Line: