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Cardioverter Defibrillator Helps Teen with Arrhythmogenic Left Ventricular Dysplasia

Abbey smiling on the beach

“Our daughter, Abbey, was admitted to UH Rainbow for ventricular tachycardia last June. Following a biopsy, cath and angiogram of her heart, Abbey was diagnosed with myocarditis. She went home with beta blockers and a Zoll LifeVest, also known as an external defibrillator, that she was instructed to wear 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“The months that followed were hard. Abbey had hopes of returning to sports. At each follow-up appointment Abbey waited anxiously for news she no longer needed the LifeVest. Instead, a second MRI showed no change to the scar tissue and her genetic testing later confirmed Abbey had a rare disorder called arrhythmogenic left ventricular dysplasia.

“Abbey’s care team, led by Dr. Chris Snyder and Dr. Walter Hoyt, determined the next best course of action would be to implant a cardioverter defibrillator. On December 3, our Abbey was given her life back! She no longer wears a LifeVest, and her hopes of returning to sports are reignited.

“Through all the ups and downs Dr. Snyder and Dr. Hoyt never gave up on Abbey. The entire Congenital Heart Collaborative staff, notably, Craig in the Cardiac Step-Down Unit, made sure we were taken care of and Abbey was comfortable.

“2019 brought many changes to our lives, and UH Rainbow was there for us every step of the way. Abbey’s story is far from over. There is the possibility she will need a heart transplant in the future. If God has equipped anyone for this battle, it is our Abbey. Dr. Christopher Snyder will forever be our hero, and will have a special place in our heart-warrior’s heart.”– Susan Caine, Abbey’s mom

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Nationwide Children’s Hospital have partnered to form the Congenital Heart Collaborative, an innovative model of care for patients with congenital heart disease from before birth to adulthood. Learn more about the Congenital Heart Collaborative.
