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Weight Loss Surgery

Showing   of 27 results

Woman blending a delicious and healthy smoothie with strawberries, bananas, celery, and water

Maintaining Healthy Habits After Bariatric Surgery

Consistent diet and exercise habits are an important component of healthy living and weight management after bariatric surgery.

A woman is resting after weight loss training

Bariatric Surgery: Myths and Answers

While many patients worry about the risks or downsides of bariatric surgery, the health benefits of losing weight through surgery are numerous.

Patient Greg Potts and Leena Khaitan, MD

Heart Attack Survivor Finds Weight Loss Success with Bariatric Surgery

After suffering a heart attack, Greg Pott was determined to make positive changes in his life. So he turned to the experts at the UH Bariatric Surgery Program to help him on his weight loss journey.

Briana and Brian's Story

After having weight loss surgery at University Hospitals over a year ago, newlyweds Briana and Brian Hallisy look and feel better than ever.

More People Are Now Eligible for Weight Loss Surgery

Updated for the first time in decades, new bariatric surgery guidelines reflect the proven safety and effectiveness of modern weight loss surgery.

A happy older couple enjoying a healthy lunch together outdoors

Can Weight Loss Surgery Reverse Diabetes?

Significant weight loss is often an important health goal for people with Type 2 diabetes. For some, bariatric surgery can change the body’s metabolism and reverse diabetes.

Jean displays her pre-bariatric surgery clothing

Patient’s Weight Loss Allows Hip Replacement and a New Life

Over the years Jean tried every diet out there but nothing seemed to work for her. Eventually her hip pain got so bad, she had to take a leave of absence from work. After bariatric surgery, everything changed.

woman eating a hamburger

Why Obesity Is a Double Whammy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

After the pandemic began, studies of COVID-19 patients showed obesity may triple the risk of hospitalization with the disease. The chances of being admitted to intensive care or dying also increase substantially for these patients.

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