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Doctor holds model of bladder

Don't Ignore Your Urinary Symptoms

When urinary symptoms occur, they can affect more than quality of life. It’s important to seek treatment to avoid more serious problems.

Female Bladder Illustration

Organ-Sparing Bladder Surgery Lets Cancer Patient Enjoy Life

A bladder reconstruction known as neobladder allows a 44-year-old cancer patient to maintain both sexual function and quality of life.

How Heart Disease Affects the Kidneys

The heart and kidneys share a special, life-sustaining connection, so that what’s good or bad for one is generally good or bad for the other.

Danielle before and after surgery

UH Urology Team Restores Patient’s Quality of Life

After treatment for cervical cancer, Danielle Cooper developed serious complications. Learn how the specialists at UH Urology Institute were able to help.

Senior man using a computer

Is "Male Menopause" Real?

Associated with physical and emotional changes, menopause is when a woman's menstruation permanently stops. But can men experience a similar change as they age?

Group of men talking

New Research Shows Benefits of PSA Screening

The results of a recent study support the use of PSA screening in preventing advanced-stage prostate cancer and deaths from prostate cancer.

A doctor consulting with her male urology patient

Penile Implant Effectively Cures Man’s Erectile Dysfunction

After receiving a penile implant at University Hospitals, a 66-year-old Shaker Heights resident with ED is closer than ever with his girlfriend of 15 years.

The Knotts on the beach

After Decades of Struggle, Man Finds Relief from the Urinary Symptoms of BPH

Bob was only in his thirties when he started having pain with urination. He soon realized that medication wasn’t a solution for him. At 60, he made a life-changing appointment with University Hospitals urologist Irina Jaeger, MD.

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