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Under The Rainbow - Winter 2020

Showing   of 9 results

teen epilepsy

Teen Thrives After Getting Support for Epilepsy

At age 12, Maddie excelled in school and was an accomplished dancer. But her world began to change when she started experiencing strange symptoms.

women and heart disease

Women Need to Take Care Of Their Hearts at Every Age

When you think of someone having a heart attack, it’s very likely that an older man comes to mind. The reality, however, is that heart disease continues to be the most common cause of death among women.

car seat

The Safest Way For Your Kids To Ride

Despite your squirmy toddler’s protests, every time you click your child into their car seat, you’re showing just how much you care.

seizure safety

What to Do If Your Child Has a Seizure

Seeing your child have a seizure can be scary. It helps to know what to do and how to keep your child safe if it happens.

cloth vs disposable diapers

Cloth Diapers vs. Disposable Diapers: What's Best?

Disposable diapers make up more than 1.5 percent of all the trash in this country. About 3.4 million tons of them end up in our landfills each year. So are cloth diapers a better choice?


Helping With Homework: 6 Top Tips For Parents

Learn how to support and encourage your children, while also giving them the needed space to complete homework on their own.

teen suicide

Teen Suicide Attempts Rise With Increased Bullying: Study

Compared with classmates who hadn’t been bullied, even one day of bullying a month was enough to triple the risk for attempted suicide. And the more often a child had been bullied, the higher the risk.


How Family Support Improves Asthma Symptoms

How to create a supportive, nurturing home environment and help your child with asthma live a more healthful life.

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