Under The Rainbow - Summer 2020
Showing of 5 results
Prediabetes Is on the Rise in Teenagers
Having prediabetes increases the chances of getting Type 2 diabetes. Teens with prediabetes also have higher blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which raise their risk for heart disease and stroke.
Don't Let Triggers of Summer Asthma Keep Your Youngster Down
Summer is prime time for asthma triggers such as grass pollen and smog. Learn how to manage your child's summer allergies and asthma.
Why Girls Take Longer To Recover From Concussion
Girls sustain the highest rates of concussion in soccer, basketball and cheerleading. These same sports also generally have less sideline medical coverage for games.
10 Ways To Celebrate Summer in Your Backyard
In keeping with family safety and physical distancing this summer, here are some tips to transform your backyard into a personal play land for your kids.