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Teen Mental Health

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A person scrolling on a cell phone in the dark

Doomscrolling: Breaking the Habit

Endlessly scrolling through negative content on your cell phone – or doomscrolling – is an unhealthy but common habit, especially among younger adults.

two teen girls drinking fancy coffee drinks

Frappuccinos and Pink Drinks: Safe for Teens and Tweens?

More and more adolescents are drinking specialty coffee and tea drinks. But are these sweet, caffeinated beverages healthy for young consumers?

Mother and daughter conversing in living room

For Some Kids Appearance-Related Plastic Surgery Is Vital to Well-Being

Surgery for appearance-related issues is not necessarily cosmetic surgery and addressing appearance concerns can positively affect a young person’s quality of life.

Older teenage boy sitting in hallway

Is Your Child or Teenager at Risk for a Mental Health Crisis?

Learn the signs and symptoms that may suggest your child or teen is at risk for depression, anxiety or even suicide.

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