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Sunscreen vs. Sunblock: What's the Difference?

Chemical Sunscreen vs. Mineral Sunscreen: What's the Difference?

All sunscreen formulas protect against sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer. Here’s how to know which one is right for you.

A young woman shopping for cosmetics in a zero waste store

Many Common Beauty Products Contain Dangerous Chemicals

A number of everyday hair and body products contain elevated levels of benzene, a cancer-causing chemical. Here’s how to reduce your risk.

woman on the beach applying sunscreen to arm

How To Choose a Sunscreen That Packs the Best Protection

Sunscreens are essential to lower your risk of skin cancer, and they also prevent premature aging of the skin, But with so many options, how do you pick?


How Are Your Sunscreen Smarts?

Here's a handy guide to understand how often to reapply sunscreen -- and how much to use.

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