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patients screened for cancer

Improving Cancer Outcomes Among African Americans

Cancer screenings and prevention strategies are essential in helping reduce the burden of cancer in the African American community.

Young woman drinking a green smoothie

Self-Care for Women: 5 Simple Steps

Women of all ages can realize significant health benefits by following five simple but effective lifestyle recommendations.

Young woman studies medical brochure while discussing healthcare options with doctor during appointment

5 Conditions Regular Check-Ups in Your 20s & 30s Can Prevent

Routine primary care in your 20s, 30s and beyond is the best way to catch problems early, and potentially prevent diseases from developing in the first place.

Doctor examining woman's ear

The Other Annual Visit Women Can’t Afford to Miss

Most women understand the value of seeing an OB/GYN every year. Learn why a woman’s health involves much more than her gynecologic health.

Happy woman relaxing on bench in the lawn

11 Health Screening Tests Every Woman Should Have

Doctors recommend these health screenings to prevent, detect and treat diseases and maintain optimal health.

Foods rich in magnesium

The Surprising Health Benefits of Magnesium

Dietary magnesium is essential for many essential body functions, including some that might surprise you. Learn more about how much you need and why.

A happy man being examined by an older physician

Check Yourself: Preventive Care Needs for Men

With an average lifespan of seven years less than women, comprehensive and preventive care for men is essential.

Easing the Transition from Pediatric Care to Adult Primary Care

When should your child switch from a pediatrician to an adult primary care doctor? And as a parent, how can you help with the transition?

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