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Physical Therapy

Showing  7 of 7 results

A man skiing

4 Exercises to Prevent Skiing and Snowboarding Injuries

Every year, over 600,000 people in the U.S. get injured while skiing and snowboarding. Here's how to avoid injury this winter.

Diego Castillo uses wearable technology in a therapy session

Oxygenation Study Helps Ballet Dancer Recover from ACL Surgery

When a Cleveland Ballet dancer tore his ACL, the UH sports medicine team used their expertise and wearable technology to get him ready to perform again.

Nan Nelson poses outdoors on a sunny day

Woman Finds Relief From Debilitating Pain With Implantable Device

After injuries in both arms left psychiatrist Nan Nelson with debilitating pain, she turned to the pain management experts at University Hospitals for relief.

A smiling Matt Sosnowski past the finish line

A Sweet Summer Finish on Kelleys Island

Four years after suffering a traumatic brain injury when his car fell 87 feet down a mountaintop, Matt Sosnowski crosses the finish line at the Kelleys Island 5k.

Man exercising wrist with dumbbell

Blood Flow Restriction Technique Lightens the Load for Rehabbing Patients

Traditional strength training in physical therapy is being transformed with a technique that allows patients to build muscle strength faster using significantly less weight resistance.

Man having physical therapy in pool

Aquatic Therapy Helps Slow Progress of Rare Muscle Disease

Inclusion body myositis is a rare inflammatory and degenerative muscle disease that typically causes progressive weakness of the muscles of the hand, forearm, thigh and lower leg, as well as difficulty swallowing.

therapist places cups on patient's back

Dry Cupping Therapy: Does It Really Help?

Many physical therapists use dry cupping therapy because, for some patients, it may lessen pain, relieve spasms and reduce tension.

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