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Parkinson's Disease

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Are Energy Drinks More Harmful Than Coffee?

Caffeinated energy drinks have become increasingly popular, particularly among young adults and adolescents. But are they a healthier choice over coffee?

Elderly man signing medical papers at the doctor's office

What Your Handwriting May Say About Your Health

If you're having trouble signing on the dotted line, or you've noticed a change in your handwriting, it may signal more than just sloppy writing.

Provider studying diagram of the human brain

Research Provides New Hope for the Treatment of Patients with Neuropsychiatric Diseases

Research to understand and treat brain disease is painstaking, complicated and highly specialized work. But new treatments and possibly even cures for the brain diseases could be a reality sooner than ever thought possible.

Why Do We Have Nightmares?

Why Do We Have Nightmares?

Vivid, scary dreams can leave you feeling shaken, but usually they aren't dangerous. Learn about when it's time to talk to your doctor about your nightmares.

I Have the Shakes

Shaky Hands: Is It a Sign of Parkinson's Disease?

Everyone slows down a little bit as they get older, but how do you know when your shaky hands or stiff muscles cross the line into a movement disorder such as Parkinson's disease or essential tremor?

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