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Newborn care

Showing  7 of 7 results

A mother feeds her newborn while sitting on a sofa at home

How to Treat Mastitis: A Common Breastfeeding Issue

Lactation experts share the preventive measures you can take to minimize the risk of painful symptoms and continue breastfeeding.

A young mother with her newborn baby son in a sling

4 Ways Babywearing Helps You Bond With Your Baby

Babywearing, or keeping baby close using a baby carrier, is one way to encourage healthy bonding between parents and their infants.

Breast milk in the bottle and storage bags

Back-to-Work Breastfeeding Tips

Returning to work doesn’t mean you have to give up the health benefits and bond of breastfeeding. With a few tips, you can continue to nurse.

Baby boy dribbling milk

Baby Spit-Up: How Much Is Too Much?

Occasional spitting up is very common when feeding young babies. In some cases, it can be a sign of a medical condition that requires treatment.

Swaddled newborn baby

Should You Swaddle Your Newborn?

Tightly wrapping a newborn baby in a blanket or swaddle is a common practice. But is it safe? Learn why and when swaddling is appropriate.

newborn lying on its back wearing diaper

Best Tips To Take Care of Your Newborn's Umbilical Cord

The umbilical cord can be a place for infection to enter the baby’s body, so it’s important to care for it properly until it falls off on its own.

Newborn sleeps on mother's chest

The Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact With Your Newborn Baby

Multiple studies have indicated there are considerable benefits for babies who are held naked against their mother’s skin immediately after birth.

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