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Minor Illnesses

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examining a label of an over-the-counter drug

Getting the Most Out of Over-the-Counter Medicines

Pain relievers, cough suppressants, nasal sprays – these and other over-the-counter medicines are supposed to help us feel better when we have minor illnesses. But do these medicines really work?

business traveler

Business Travelers: Your Best Advice for Safe Travel Abroad

International corporate travel can be risky business. An employee who gets sick while traveling can mean a loss of productivity and a cost to your business. How you can help keep your employees healthy when traveling abroad.

Woman using UH Virtual Visit on her laptop

Is Virtual Care Real Medicine?

Although not intended to replace a relationship with a primary care provider, virtual appointments are a good option for routine health concerns.

Woman sneezing into tissue

Best Treatments to Relieve Symptoms of the Common Cold

A cold isn't usually dangerous, but it sure can be a nuisance. Learn about the symptoms of a cold, how you can treat it at home and when is it time to see a doctor.


Springtime Sniffles: Is It a Cold or Seasonal Allergies?

Knowing the difference between cold and seasonal allergies can guide you to the right quick-relief steps, help prevent future symptoms, and even head off complications like ear infections, sinus infections and worsening asthma.

mom taking temperature

The Do's and Don'ts of Treating Fevers in Children

Almost nothing makes parents feel more helpless than when their child is sick. Learn what to do when your child has a fever and when it is time to see the doctor.

9 Tips to Keep Your Kids Germ-Free at School

You can't protect your kids from everything, but you can take steps to prevent them from getting illnesses and infections such as the cold and flu at school. Share these tips with your kids to keep them as healthy as possible.

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