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Men’s Health: Full-Life Fitness

Showing  8 of 19 results

stacking rocks with sunset

Integrative Medicine Blends With Traditional To Lessen Pain, Increase Mobility

After two decades, a patient finds an option for lessening pain and increasing mobility that works.

obstructive sleep apnea

The Link Between Heart Health and Good Sleep

Sleep and heart health are closely related. Those who do not get sufficient sleep or do not get quality sleep are more likely to have cardiovascular problems.

man holding dumbbells

Adding Variety to Your Exercise Program

Switching up the exercises you do from time to time can result in increased performance, decreased injury risk and other benefits.

stress eating

How to Eat Healthfully During COVID-19 When You're Working From Home

We are all spending a lot more time at home these days, with tempting snacks practically in the next room. How to keep from grazing all day long.


7 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself

Feeling stressed out? Here are some no-cost, simple ways to forget your worries and refocus from the UH Connor Integrative Health Network.

woman stretching

You Can Change Your Habits: Here's How To Do It

So many of us want to change our habits to get healthier. Will we achieve our goals? Some people will, some won't. Here's how you can tell which group you'll fall into.

Mom and daughter hiking

How Small Amounts of Activity Can Reap Big Health Benefits

Even modest amounts of physical activity can have immediate health benefits, like lower blood pressure, improved sleep quality and insulin sensitivity.

Portrait of a happy fit couple standing

Obesity in Men vs. Women

Until recently, about 80 percent of patients undergoing bariatric surgery have been women. But that is changing. How each gender views their bodies and obesity.

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