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Immune System

Showing  8 of 10 results

 Illustration of an influenza (flu) virus

Are We Getting Sick More Often?

Are colds and respiratory illnesses more common than they used to be? Learn about seasonal trends and what’s changed in recent years.

Illustration of T-Cells

How to Harness Your Immune System for Optimal Health

Learn how to tap into your immune system to ward off illness and how exercise, gut health and natural remedies impact immunity.

A four year old boy washing the dishes with his mum in the kitchen

Living with Germs Has Its Upside, Don’t Overdo Cleanliness

The pandemic has made us hyper-aware of germ avoidance. But with COVID-19 waning, it’s a good time to point out that it’s possible to be overly vigilant about avoiding germs.

three kids splashing in blue pool with pink inflatable raft

Best Ways to Avoid Infection, Illness When You Swim

Whenever you wade into a lake, pond, creek or swimming pool to splash and cool off, you run the risk of encountering microorganisms that could make you sick.

business traveler

Business Travelers: Your Best Advice for Safe Travel Abroad

International corporate travel can be risky business. An employee who gets sick while traveling can mean a loss of productivity and a cost to your business. How you can help keep your employees healthy when traveling abroad.

Microscopic image of T-cell

Harnessing the Power of the Body’s Immune System to Fight Cancer

With recent advancements in the field of immunotherapy, doctors now can offer some patients new hope in their cancer treatment. Learn more about CAR T-cell therapy.

boy using an asthma inhaler with a mask

4 Big Myths About Asthma

Although asthma is fairly common, there are many misconceptions about the disease, how it’s treated and how it affects a person’s day-to-day life.

The Sting of Shingles

The Best Reason Why You Should Get the Shingles Vaccine

Shingles is not usually fatal, but the pain from the shingles rash can be long-lasting. Find out why you should consider the shingles vaccine.

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