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High Blood Pressure

Showing  8 of 13 results

Digital illustration of lungs

Another Kind of High Blood Pressure: Pulmonary Hypertension

Most often caused by other diseases, pulmonary hypertension may be reversible, depending on the cause.

woman checks blood pressure at home

How Blood Pressure Treatment Is Different for African Americans

African Americans have higher rates of high blood pressure than other groups, and often need different medications to keep it under control.

Susan Welch enjoys a day at the beach

Coordinated Care Helps Woman Conquer Multiple Health Challenges

Susan Welch has faced more than her fair share of health challenges over the years. Through it all, her endocrinologist, Betul Hatipoglu, MD, was by her side to support, encourage and offer innovative options for treatment.

Infographic: How Blood Pressure Is Different for African Americans

How Blood Pressure Is Different for African Americans

High blood pressure affects more than 55% of African Americans, and may require a different approach to prevention and treatment.

Woman sprinkling salt on an egg cooking in a frying pan.

Salt Substitutes: A Healthy Alternative to the Real Thing?

Substitutes for table salt have been around for decades. But are they a healthy alternative to the real thing?

Woman having blood pressure checked

How Do Blood Pressure Medications Work?

High blood pressure affects nearly half of adults. Learn more about the many medications and how they work in the body.

older man and woman preparing food

Reduce Your Salt Intake and Improve Your Health

Many people don’t know the amount of sodium in foods they eat. While sodium makes food taste better, it also contributes to high blood pressure, elevating risk of heart attack and stroke.

woman in bed yawning with hand to forehead

Want To Lower Your Blood Pressure? Get Better Sleep

Everyone knows that a poor night of sleep can mean a groggy morning, a fuzzy brain or feeling sluggish throughout the day. However, the long-term consequences of lack of sleep or disrupted sleep can be more serious.

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