Hearing Loss
Showing of 14 results

Protect Your Hearing: Safe Listening with Earbuds
Listening to loud music with earbuds can affect your hearing over time. Here’s how to protect yourself.

Ear Popping, Pain or Pressure? When to Be Concerned
Painful popping, ear fullness or muffled hearing is often caused by Eustachian tube dysfunction.

All Ears: How to Take Care of Your Hearing
We often take our ears for granted, but they’re delicate organs that can develop a multitude of problems, some of which can lead to hearing loss.

How to Find a Hearing Aid That's Right for You
If you’re dealing with hearing loss, soon you will be able to buy a hearing aid directly from stores or online, without a prescription or doctor exam.

Cochlear Implant Method Allows Local Man to Remain Awake During Surgery
After decades of hearing loss, Dick Schreck got a cochlear implant at UH using local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia, a method used at only a few centers in the country.

Cochlear Implant Gives Woman Back Her Independence
When hearing loss compounded Patricia Clifton’s ability to communicate as she had already been diagnosed with a vocal cord issue., she turned to University Hospitals otologist, Sarah Mowry, MD, who performed cochlear implant surgery.

Can COVID-19 Cause Hearing Loss?
COVID-19 infection can affect all parts of the body and lead to a wide range of symptoms. Is hearing loss one of them?

The Surprising Side Effects of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is common in older adults. By age 75, the chances of hearing loss are almost one in two, according to the National Institute on Aging. The problem can have devastating consequences.