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Greg Hall, MD

Showing  4 of 4 results

woman checks blood pressure at home

How Blood Pressure Treatment Is Different for African Americans

African Americans have higher rates of high blood pressure than other groups, and often need different medications to keep it under control.

patients screened for cancer

Improving Cancer Outcomes Among African Americans

Cancer screenings and prevention strategies are essential in helping reduce the burden of cancer in the African American community.

A father and his son sitting on a porch

Patient-Centered Healthcare for African-Americans

African-Americans don’t live as long as other races in the US. At higher risk for heart disease, stroke and cancer, these disparities aren’t necessarily genetic, but clinicians can help reverse the trend.

A happy man being examined by an older physician

Check Yourself: Preventive Care Needs for Men

With an average lifespan of seven years less than women, comprehensive and preventive care for men is essential.

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