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Showing  8 of 15 results

A woman reaching for a packet of medicine next to glass of water on her nightstand

“Tripledemic” Causing Shortages of Children’s Medications

A wave of viral illnesses sweeping the nation has caused medication shortages for sick children. Here’s what parents can do.

Infographic: Flu Vaccine Myths

Flu Vaccine Myths

When it's flu season, it's important to do everything you can to stay healthy. Learn why the flu vaccine is the best way to reduce your chances of getting sick and spreading it to others.

Doctor making a heart shape with hands

Get the Flu Vaccine. Your Heart Will Thank You

Getting your annual flu vaccine protects you from developing serious respiratory symptoms. But did you know it can also protect your heart? Learn more.

sterile gloved hand pressing down bandage on arm

COVID-19 Vaccine and Flu Shot Spacing: Is It Needed?

Vaccination is the best protection against COVID-19 and the flu. Should you worry about timing your shots? Here's what you need to know.

woman wrapped in blanket on a couch blowing her nose

Few Flu Cases Last Year May Mean Severe Flu Season Ahead

There are concerns of a severe flu season ahead, based on the fact people may be more susceptible than normal. The reason is that we weren’t exposed to flu viruses last season, and immunity wanes over time.

woman in white coat and mask giving older woman a shot

5 Vaccines Recommended for Adults Age 65 and Older

Vaccines are particularly important for older adults. The risk for certain diseases is higher for this age group since it can be more difficult to fight off infections as your immune system naturally weakens as you get older.

Man lying on couch clutching stomach

Is It Stomach Bug, Stomach Flu, or Food Poisoning?

Flu, gastroenteritis and food poisoning can have similar symptoms but may require very different treatments. Learn to tell the difference and how to feel better, faster.


6 Facts You Need To Know About the Flu

How much do you really know about the flu? Read on for six facts about the vaccine.

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