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Faruk Orge, MD

Showing  4 of 4 results

Ivy sits beside the Christmas tree

7-Year-Old Superhero Vanquishes Challenges to Achieve Amazing Eyesight

To her parents and a team of doctors at the Division of Pediatric Ophthalmology at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s, 7-year-old Ivy is a superhero, bravely persevering through multiple challenges to achieve near-perfect sight.

young boy with green sunglasses against yellow background

Your Child's Eyes Need Protection From the Sun, Too

Most parents know they need to protect their children's skin from the sun. But many forget the eyes need protection, too.

PJ enjoying the outdoors

A Complex Diagnosis

When PJ Ross was just 3 months old, concerns raised by his pediatrician at a routine visit led to a surprising diagnosis. Unilateral craniosynostosis – a birth defect in which the bones on one side of the skull grow together too early.

Child looks through magnifying glass

Time Spent Outside Benefits Children’s Vision

Kids now spend more hours staring at screens and less time playing in the sunshine. The implications go beyond expanding waistlines.

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