Esophageal Disease
Showing 3 of 3 results

Acid Reflux: How To Know When You Need More Than Medicine
Do you take over-the-counter medicine for heartburn? If you’re taking antacids or H2 blockers more than once a week to ease your pain, there may be a better, long-term solution for your symptoms.

Your Heartburn Might Be More Than a Stomach Ache
If you are constantly plagued by heartburn, it might be more than a simple stomach ache. You might be suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, one of the most common digestive disorders in the United States.

The Best and Worst Foods for Acid Reflux
A hot burning in the chest, a bitter taste in the throat, a gassy bloating in the stomach – acid reflux is no picnic. What you eat, however, can make the difference between sweet relief and sour misery.
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