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Paul Mynatt poses with his UH providers

End-Stage Emphysema Tackled with Double Lung Transplant

Paul Mynatt spent most of his life incredibly healthy, but fter he noticed symptoms of extreme exhaustion and shortness of breath, he was diagnosed with end-stage emphysema. By 2024, he was headed into surgery for a double-lung transplant.

Double lung transplant patient Timothy Gruhn

A Double Lung Transplant to a 5K Race Within 5 Months

Timothy Gruhn’s recovery from double lung transplant wasn’t easy or without setbacks, but with persistence, he completed a 5k race just four months after his surgery.


An Alternative to Lung Transplant for Emphysema-Related COPD

Smoking-related emphysema destroys large sections of lung tissue, leaving them essentially useless. The idea behind this treatment is almost counterintuitive, but can produce dramatic results for a certain group of people.

man clutching chest

Do You Have COPD? How to Tell

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also called COPD, is an umbrella term used to describe progressive lung diseases, primarily including emphysema and chronic bronchitis. How to tell if you have COPD.

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