Elizabeth Traxler, MS, RDN, LD
Showing 8 of 8 results

Is Food Safe to Eat After the Expiration Date?
You’ve undoubtedly seen the phrases “use by,” “sell by” and “best if used by” on packaging. What do those labels mean?

Are Energy Drinks Safe to Consume Before Exercise?
Many athletes use energy drinks, hoping it will boost their endurance. But these drinks can have side effects that negatively affect athletic performance and health.

Plant-Based Diets Can Boost Mood, Exercise & Sex
Your diet can affect more than just cholesterol, blood sugar and body weight. It may also influence your mood, your athletic performance and your sex life.

Are Eggs Good for Your Health or Not?
It’s easy to be confused about eggs. When eaten as part of a balanced diet, eggs provide multiple benefits and pose little risk for heart disease.

Is Allulose the Perfect Sweetener?
This recently FDA-approved sugar substitute boasts a lot of positives. But before adding it to your coffee, it’s important to get the whole picture.

Raw vs. Cooked Vegetables: What's Healthier?
There are many benefits to whole, raw and unprocessed foods, but there are upsides to including more variety and cooking vegetables.

Are ‘Natural’ Sweeteners Healthier Than Sugar?
If you’re looking to improve nutrition and cut your sugar intake, there’s a lot to keep in mind when choosing a natural sweetener.

Can Red Food Dye Cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
New research raises concerns that a common dye used in processed foods could harm gut health and increase the risk of inflammatory bowel disease.