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Douglas Fleck, MD

Showing  4 of 4 results

Teen girl after her vaccination

HPV Vaccine Protects Against Six Types of Cancer, But Is Underused

A vaccine that prevents thousands of cancer cases a year is not getting into enough arms.

mother holding a baby and looking at a thermometer

Should You Treat a Child's Fever? Not Always

If you’re like most parents, your anxiety level rises along with your child’s temperature. Fever is a warning sign that your child may have an illness that needs attention. But fever can be beneficial.

home with kids

Stay at Home Kids: What Parents Can Do

What to do for our kids now that they’re spending more time at home. First and foremost: Remain as healthy as we can.

HPV podcast

The Vaccine That Can Keep Your Child From Getting Cancer

If you could vaccinate your kids against cancer, would you? Although the human papillomavirus (HPV) has been shown to cause cancer, many parents don’t vaccinate their children against HPV, a common infection spread by skin-to-skin contact.

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