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Enterovirus under a microscope

Spike in Enterovirus Cases in Children: What You Need to Know

The virus typically causes cold-like symptoms, but in rare cases is associated with a type of paralysis. Learn how to recognize the signs.

A young man with closed eyes wearing a face protective mask and coughing in his arm

Is It COVID-19, Cold, Allergies or the Flu?

You feel ill with nasal congestion, scratchy throat and fatigue. Is it a cold or is it COVID-19? Could it be allergies?

woman walking down snowy street clutching coat

Can You Catch a Cold By Going Outside with Wet Hair?

Family and friends have lots of advice when it comes to staying healthy. Learn to separate fact from fiction when it comes to catching a cold.

runny nose

Why You Should Skip Cold Medicine for Young Kids

Children catch as many as six to eight colds per year. But before you reach for the over-the counter cold medicines, learn about their potential risks.

mother holds a tissue to a  young toddler's nose in bed

Why Kids Are More Vulnerable Now To Catching a Warm-Weather Cold

If it seems like warm-weather colds are on the rise this year, they are. Cold viruses have been circulating more than normal this time of year as people shed face masks and attend social gatherings.

woman helping boy put on mittens

Cold Weather: How To Keep Your Kids Protected From the Elements

Before your kids head out into the chilly air or fresh snow, read these tips to help keep them safe and snug.

chronic cough

How to Get Rid of a Chronic Cough

A chronic cough is a cough that lasts for more than six to eight weeks. Learn the signs of a chronic cough, common causes and what you should if if you think you have it.

is it coronavirus, flu, cold or seasonal allergies?

Is It Coronavirus, RSV, Flu, Allergies or a Cold? How To Tell

Fever? Runny nose? Itchy eyes? Feeling ill but not sure what it is you have? Check out our symptom guide to learn more.

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