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Childhood Anxiety

Showing  8 of 17 results

Daughter is explaining to her mother what happened at school

Addressing Childhood Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health Concerns

Mental health conditions are rising in children and adolescents, but they’re also being addressed earlier with promising outcomes. Whether therapy or medication are involved, hope exists for those who are struggling.

A young girl watches TV at home

How to Talk to Kids About Violence in the News

Disturbing images from war and other events in the news can have a profound effect on children living far from the violence.

A sad child sitting on the floor

How Parents Can Help Kids Manage Social Media

A new advisory from the Surgeon General warns that social media can pose a “profound risk of harm” to children and teens' mental health. Parents need more strategies than ever to help their children thrive.

young teenage girl holding head with both hands

Mental Health Problems for Kids on the Rise with COVID Pandemic

The U.S. surgeon general recently sounded an alarm about a mental health crisis gripping the nation’s children and adolescents. Symptoms of depression and anxiety have spiked, as have emergency room visits for mental health issues.

young boy at desk with head resting on folded arms

General Anxiety Disorder in Kids: When Worry and Fear Doesn't Go Away

Generalized anxiety disorder is a mental health problem. A child with generalized anxiety disorder has a lot of worry and fear that may be more intense than expected.

mental health

Recognizing Emotional Problems in Teens – and When to Seek Help

Adolescence is accompanied by physical and emotional changes, a desire for independence and facing decisions about social activities. The COVID pandemic has added new challenges and heightened anxiety.

teen behavior

Teen Behavior: What's Worrisome, What's Not

Does it seem as if you and your teenager live in different worlds? Many parents find it hard to interpret their teens’ behavior. Is your child just acting like a typical teen or does she or he need your help?

teens and covid-19

Coronavirus: Advice for Parents of Teens To Get Though This Time Together

Being the parent of a teen during this remarkable time for our world is filled with unfamiliar challenges -- it's new territory. Here are expert guidelines to get through this and come out the other side.

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