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Chad Raymond, DO

Showing  5 of 5 results

Men on treadmill high five each other

The Benefits of Cardiac Rehab

Learn how a medically supervised cardiac rehab program after a heart attack or heart surgery can significantly lower your risk of another cardiac event and improve your quality of life.

Young man tying sports shoes before workout

When Is It Safe to Start Exercising After a COVID-19 Infection?

If you’re not feeling symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain or extreme fatigue, it’s typically safe to resume normal activities.

Pictures of people exercising

If You Have to Choose, What's the Best Type of Exercise?

Ever wonder what exercise offers the most health benefits? We asked a cardiologist and a sports medicine doctor to weigh in on the question.

Smiling adult couple walking their dog on a pathway between grown trees on a sunny summer day

Is Walking Good Enough Exercise?

High-intensity workouts aren’t your thing. Walking is more your speed. But is walking good enough exercise? The short answer is yes.

exercising and hot weather

Be Careful In the Summer Heat if You Have Heart Disease

Enjoy fun in the sun this summer - but be cautious in the hot weather if you or someone in your family has heart disease or a congenital heart condition.

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