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Breast Health

Showing   of 6 results

New Tool Predicts Better Breast Cancer Treatment

A powerful new tool called Predict helps breast cancer patients and their doctors make more informed treatment decisions earlier, when it matters most.

woman getting mammogram

3 Mammogram Myths Debunked

There are many misconceptions and myths surrounding mammograms. Get the facts about these life-saving screenings.


The Best Way to Survive Breast Cancer: Catch It Early

One-eighth of all U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. It's the most common cancer in women, and is the second deadliest cancer for women, surpassed only by lung cancer. Learn how you can virtually guarantee surviving this disease.

Blog Post

What It Means for Your Health If You Have Dense Breasts

Did your last mammogram report say you have dense breasts? You may require additional screening tests to detect breast cancer. Talk to your doctor.

woman performs breast self exam

Are Monthly Breast Self-Exams Necessary?

Evidence is growing that there are more effective ways to detect breast cancer early than a monthly breast self-exam.

doctor and patient talking

Which Type of Mammogram is Right For You?

For years, the two-dimensional mammogram has been the gold standard screening too proven to lower breast cancer deaths and illness rates. In recent years, another powerful tool has become available: the 3-D mammogram.

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