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Breast Cancer Screening

Showing   of 19 results

How Cancer is Different for African Americans

How Cancer Is Different for African Americans

Getting cancer screenings at the recommended times is the key to both preventing cancer and detecting it early when it's most treatable.

A female patient explains symptoms she has been experiencing to her doctor

More Than a Lump: 8 Less Common Signs of Breast Cancer

There are less common symptoms that can signal breast cancer and may warrant a visit to the doctor for further evaluation.

Lori Baum and Amy Reese, MD

A Crucial Catch Through Genetic Counseling

An oncology caregiver at Firelands Regional Medical Center in Sandusky counts the blessings along her breast cancer journey that began with screening.

Microscopic view of cancer cells

Should You Get Cancer Screenings Earlier?

Cancer research provides the basis for when and how often to screen to save the most lives, while minimizing risks.

Multigenerational Black Family

How Does Family History Affect Your Cancer Risk?

The more information you have about your family history of cancer, the better your doctor can help you understand, manage and reduce your cancer risk.

Bernadette Scruggs at The Gathering Place’s 2019 Race for Place, sponsored by UH Seidman Cancer Center

Advice From a 15-Year Breast Cancer Survivor: Don't Skip Your Annual Mammogram

Less than an hour out of your life can mean the difference between catching cancer early or never knowing what could have been.

masked physician showing document to masked female patient

Turning 40? It's Time to Get Serious About Health Screenings

The oldest millennials celebrate a milestone as they officially enter their 40s this year. If you are among them, you’re also entering a time of life when health screenings become ever more important.

masked woman receiving covid vaccine

Mammogram May Show Swollen Lymph Nodes From COVID-19 Vaccine

Swollen lymph nodes are in response to COVID-19 vaccine. They indicate that your body is marshalling its powers to fight the perceived intruder – exactly what is supposed to happen following inoculation.

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