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Showing  6 of 6 results

woman drinks wine at party

Does Menopause Change the Way You Metabolize Alcohol?

Many women find that alcohol use affects them differently as they enter perimenopause and may worsen symptoms such as hot flashes and sleep disruptions.

A man pours an alcoholic beverage into a glass

Is Any Amount of Alcohol Okay for Your Health?

The health effects of drinking alcohol goes far beyond the liver. Because alcohol gets absorbed quickly and enters the bloodstream, there’s almost no part of the body that isn’t impacted by even moderate consumption.

Young women drinking non-alcoholic beverages

Zero Proof: Why More People Are Choosing Low or No-Alcohol Drinks

More and more young adults today are choosing to limit or eliminate alcohol from their lifestyle. Learn the top reasons for this cultural shift.

Three women drinking white wine on a sunny day

Does Wine Culture Pose Health Risks to Moms?

Many women feel pressure to be an ideal parent or caregiver. But as alcohol consumption continues to rise, some women may be flirting with danger.

Water in a wineglass

Can Dry January Improve Your Health?

After the holidays, many people choose to abstain from alcohol in January. Learn how even short-term abstinence can benefit your health.

Alcoholic drinks

The Link Between Drinking Alcohol and Cancer Risk

Drinking alcohol of any kind—liquor, beer or wine—is a leading risk factor for developing cancer, but few are aware of the risk.

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