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Aging Brain

Showing  8 of 13 results

Senior couple sitting on bed

What's the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease?

Changes in cognitive function are a normal part of aging, but when they start to affect daily activities, it may be a sign of a more serious impairment.

Smiling grandfather hugging granddaughter

New Drug Offers Hope for Early-Stage Alzheimer's Disease

Leqembi is the first U.S. FDA-approved medication to alter how Alzheimer’s disease physically affects the brain rather than just treat its symptoms.

Woman eats salmon and vegetables

5 Brain-Boosting Foods That Can Fight Dementia

Eating a diet rich in these foods can help slow down the effects of brain aging and can even reduce your risk of developing dementia.

Man gazes at tangled brain illustration

Living with Dementia: How to Maintain Independence and Function

Learn about the types of brain aging and dementia, treatments, and ways to slow its progress and maintain independence.

thoughtful woman

How the Right Kind of Stress Can Improve Your Brain Power

The right kind of stress has been shown to help improve symptoms of fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases, high blood pressure and decreased libido. How to make stress improve your memory.

older man on park bench

Dementia: What You Can Do To Reduce Your Risk

Fortunately, we know some of the risk factors that increase our chances of mental decline. What to do to maintain your brain.

Provider studying diagram of the human brain

Research Provides New Hope for the Treatment of Patients with Neuropsychiatric Diseases

Research to understand and treat brain disease is painstaking, complicated and highly specialized work. But new treatments and possibly even cures for the brain diseases could be a reality sooner than ever thought possible.

Older man getting ear examination

How Hearing Loss is Linked to Dementia

You might think that a hearing loss is a fairly minor part of aging, but recent research has show that the ability to hear plays a significant role in maintaining brain health.

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