Think Safety While Having Fun in the Snow
January 14, 2021

When snowflakes start falling, some people’s thoughts instantly turn to winter sports, such as snowboarding and sledding. But winter fun can quickly turn to anguish if an injury occurs.
Here’s how to keep your risks to a minimum without curtailing your fun.
Snowboard and Ski Safely
- To lower your injury risk, get in shape before the snowboarding season starts.
- Wear a helmet designed for skiing or snowboarding – it could prevent or reduce the severity of a head injury by 44 percent for adults and 53 percent for children younger than 15.
- Take lessons from a qualified snowboarding instructor.
- Use equipment that’s in good condition and properly adjusted.
- If you feel you are snowboarding out of control, fall on your side or bottom.
- If you go down a slope that is too hard for you, side-step down the hill.
- Keep hydrated despite the cold weather. This will limit fatigue and injury.
Sled Wisely
- Know the environment. Don’t sled in areas with trees, fences and other objects you could crash into. Also, don’t sled down hills that end near traffic, bodies of water or other dangerous areas.
- Wear a bike helmet or other protective head gear.
- Always face forward on a sled.
- Choose a size- and age-appropriate sled that has runners and can be steered. These types of sleds are safer than toboggans.
- Dress appropriately and avoid prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.
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