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The Gift of Time

Walter Carson paints in his dining room.
Walter Carson

Brigid Fejes’ father died from heart disease when he was just 61 years old.

“I was only 27 when he passed. I wish I had more time with him,” she says. “This was before I became a nurse. I truly believe that this is what led me to cardiology and this is where I’m supposed to be.”

Brigid is now a registered nurse who works directly with Anjan Gupta, MD, an interventional cardiologist at UH Portage Medical Center.

“It means the world to me to care for patients every day and to make a difference. Because of my own experience, I always try to treat every patient the way I would want myself or my family member to be treated,” she says.

One of those patients is 87-year-old Walter Carson. For the past 20 years, he’s dealt with heart issues, from a heart attack to a coronary stent to atrial fibrillation and ablations. Much of that time was spent at other facilities, but Walter felt drawn back to the hospital where he was born in 1933. Two years ago, he began care with Dr. Gupta and Brigid at UH Portage. Because of the kindness Walter received from them and others on the team, he now makes the 40-minute drive from Bath in Summit County for appointments.

“They take their time with me. They listen to me about my concerns. I honestly feel like they genuinely care about my health and about me as a person,” he says.

Although he claims not to be an artist, Walter spends much of his time painting.

“I probably couldn’t draw the number one without help!” he joked.

That help comes in the form of paint-by-numbers, which guides each stroke and takes 80 to 100 hours per picture.

Recently, after dedicating dozens of hours to the tedious task, Walter donated one of those paintings to UH Portage. It hangs in Brigid’s office.

“I gave it to her because she’s an outstanding, caring nurse,” he says. “I’m so appreciative of all she’s done for me.”

“When I look at Walter’s painting I feel grateful,” Brigid says. “Walter is about the age my Dad would be. Walter’s quality medical care is part of the reason he’s here spending this time with his family, enjoying life. That makes me proud to be a nurse.”

Related Links

Premier Heart and Vascular Care at UH Portage Medical Center
